Monday, May 9, 2011

Another 2.5 weeks

This stuff is getting even more annoying. I now do just a bit more than "half a cap full" because it messes with your hair. It acts too much like a mousse and makes really dry hair and gets a little matted looking. So I just a bit extra at night now. Here is an update before I put any on which I'm about to do.

(This picture was taken after a week of a #4 buzz cut. I think it helps get some of my kinks and waves out which made a lot of blank areas for me.)

When my hair is dry after the entire day it looks a little more "full" but when you put this Rogaine Foam on, it gets wet and you can see more scalp.

Also, I'm still using a multi-vitamin and biotin just for an extra boost. I stopped taking Horsetail Silica because the pill is pretty gross and kinda big. Rogaine Foam doesn't mention anything about taking supplements either so I guess it's just for me and I've been excersing more than usual, and walking my dog longer distances. All of these combined can boost energy and promote more hair...or at least that is what I'm hearing.